Home Quiz Everytime you drink coffee, add one teaspoon of this mixture to...

Everytime you drink coffee, add one teaspoon of this mixture to reduce belly fat faster

Everytime you drink coffee, add one teaspoon of this mixture to reduce belly fat faster

Are you someone who is caught up in the vicious circle of urban life, where balancing work and personal life has taken a toll over your health, and especially on that ever increasing waistline. Then we have got a simple fix for melting that fat in an easy and subtle way. Just prepare a coffee, add some kitchen ingredients and mix it all and lose that stubborn belly fat. Here’s a simple coffee blend that’s way better than weight loss supplements and your packaged weight loss drinks.

That mixture will help burn more calories, accelerate metabolism as well melt away the stubborn fat. Coconut oil, cinnamon and honey! Maybe some cocoa if you’d like!

For this recipe you need:

– ¾ of a cup of coconut oil;

– 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;

– ½ a cup of raw honey

How to prepare:

Mix all the ingredients. Store and cover it.

How to use it:

Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of mixture into your coffee . Enjoy!

Why this mixture works

Coconut Oil–Coconut oil is full of healthy fat- coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids which metabolize differently sent from the digestive tract straight to the liver. There they are either used for energy right away or turned into ketone bodies and not being stored in the body as fat. Coconut oil is also a natural thermogenic, it can increase both metabolism and energy expenditure and it is resulting in more efficient fat burning!

Cinnamon– has numerous powerful medical properties and has been used for centuries. It reduce blood sugar levels in the body. Cinnamon increase blood sugar metabolism to break down sugar for energy. Full of antioxidants and as well anti-inflammatory properties that fight infections and inflammation. It allows less fatty acid to be stored in.Keep you feeling full longer, helps in weight loss process at the same time.

There are two types of cinnamon: Cassia and Ceylon. Ceylon is known as “true cinnamon,” it is more beneficial, so try to use it more!

Honey contains sugar but our body uses stored minerals and vitamins that are essential for dissolving fats. It actually contains nutrients: phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium and calcium. Also there are niacin, folate, riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Honey can reducing heart stress, increase levels of good cholesterol in the body and also allows people to lead a more healthy life. The digestion process is balanced between the nutrients and sugar.

Try to use unfiltered, raw, unpasteurized organic honey!