Home Quiz Every time you have colds, flu, cough or abdominal pain, put this...

Every time you have colds, flu, cough or abdominal pain, put this in your navel. The pain will disappear immediately

Every time you have colds, flu, cough or abdominal pain, put this in your navel

The following remedy is considered as one of the most effective traditional remedies for flu, cold, cough and many other health conditions. It is quite simple and requires minimal skills to implement or use.

You just need to soak a cotton wool in 50% alcohol. Squeeze the alcohol form the cotton and put it on your belly button. Fix it with some tape, bandage, plastic bag or cloth.

This old remedy brings many health benefits for our body. It relieves pain and relaxes the muscles. It suppresses the accumulated stress during the long day, allowing you to rest better since your muscles are relaxed.

The experts acknowledge the treatment’s efficiency and its ability to solve the most common ailments today. The sore muscles, cold, flu and muscle inflammation are only several of the ailments this remedy is able to fight.

It is more effective than the conventional medications. This method is very beneficial for the children too. This remedy protects the children from exposure to different conventional medications that could be harmful for them in the long term.

This method will also ease the menstrual pain. All you need to do is to lie down and press the cotton easily with your hands.

This remedy will also ease the stomach pain or keep you safe from travel sickness. For this purposes you should add a little bit of salt on the cotton and put it on your belly button.

Source : www.healthylifecentar.com