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Eat For Your Blood Type. It Will Help You Lose Weight, Have More Energy, And Help Prevent Disease.

Eat For Your Blood Type. It Will Help You Lose Weight, Have More Energy, And Help Prevent Disease.

Could eating a diet based on your blood type — O, A, B, or AB — help you trim down and get healthier? That’s the idea behind the Blood Type Diet, created by naturopath Peter J. D’Adamo.

D’Adamo claims that the foods you eat react chemically with your blood type. If you follow a diet designed for your blood type, your body will digest food more efficiently.

Type A

A meat-free diet based on fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains — ideally, organic and fresh, because people with type A blood have a sensitive immune system. With this diet you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life-threatening diseases.

Type B

Type B’s tend to be highly sensitive to slipping out of balance, and they can produce higher levels of cortisol in stressful situations. Avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken is also problematic. Eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.

Type AB

Type AB’s have low stomach acid but an adaptation to meats, so they lack enough stomach acid to metabolize meat efficiently, and it ends up being stored as fat. Those with Type AB blood type should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when in a stressful situation.Foods to focus on include tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.

Type O

Type O’s tend to have a higher level of stomach acid, and they have a well-developed ability to digest meals that contain both protein and fat. A high-protein diet heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and light on grains, beans, and dairy is good.It is suggested that Type O’s stay away from simple carbohydrates, especially from grains, as they are more easily converted into fats and triglycerides. Instead, Those with a Type O blood type focus on vegetables and fruits, while avoiding wheat, dairy, caffeine, and alcohol.

Source:webmd.com, davidwolfe.com