Home Health Diabetes can be prevented if you can start to do these things...

Diabetes can be prevented if you can start to do these things right from today

Diabetes can be prevented if you can start to do these things right from today

1. Exercise regularly

This is because exercising increases insulin sensitivity of your cells. Your body requires lesser insulin to keep your blood sugar levels under control if you exercising regularly. Aerobic exercises, strength training and high-intensity interval training can help in reducing insulin resistance in obese, overweight and pre-diabetic people.

2. Cut back on sugar and refined carbs

This is because your body quickly breaks down sugar and refined carbs into small sugar molecules. These sugar molecules get absorbed in your blood stream and increase your blood sugar levels. This stimulates pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin helps in getting sugar out of the blood stream into the body’s cells. People with prediabetes have body cells which become resistant to insulin’s action. Thus, the sugar remains in blood. This can lead to type 2 diabetes over time. People who consume lots of sugary foods and refined carbs are more prone to risks of diabetes.

3. Lose weight

A majority of people who develop type 2 diabetes are either obese or overweight. People with prediabetes are more likely to have abdominal fat or visceral fat. Excess of visceral fat can cause inflammation and insulin resistance, thereby increasing risk of diabetes. Reducing even a small of weight can help in reducing risk of diabetes. Exercising regularly and a diet rich in proteins and fibre, and less carbs can help you lose weight effectively.

4. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water helps flush out harmful toxins from the body, aid weight loss and prevent diabetes. It helps avoid sugary drinks and drinks with preservatives. Moreover, drinking water can help in improved control of blood sugar and insulin response. Sugary drinks like soda or soft drinks can increase risks of type 2 diabetes.

5. Stay active

It is important to stay active throughout the day and avoid sedentary behaviours. Try walking wherever possible, take stairs, avoid elevators, etc, as they will help in preventing risks of diabetes.

6. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods come with high amounts of preservatives and sodium. They can contribute to increasing your blood pressure and can even cause heart disease, obesity and diabetes. They are high in saturated fats which are very harmful for the body. Consumption of processed foods should be avoided in order to prevent risks of diabetes and numerous other health problems.