Home Life Dear guys, only when a woman loves you for who you are,...

Dear guys, only when a woman loves you for who you are, then she does these things

If you’ve found the woman of your dreams, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, how will you know? While it helps to have some physical attraction, beauty is only skin deep.

It would help if you connected on a different level, a plateau where your spirits are in harmony. Here are ten things that a woman will do for you when she truly loves you for who you are.

1. She makes you feel calm

Peace of mind is the closest thing to happiness, so this point is key when she does not add worries, but subtracts them. It is because she wants to see you happy and at peace.

2, She is honest with you

She tells you the truth, even the one you don’t want to hear. For example, if you make a mistake about something, she makes you see the mistake, but without hurting or criticizing you. She wants you to be better person and that you feel better about yourself for your well-being and not for her own benefit.

3. She flatters you and not precisely your physique

She focuses her compliments on making you feel respected and admired. She loves your intelligence and honesty, although she doesn’t complain about your attractiveness.

4. She tells you nice things especially when you feel insecure sad disappointed

She is certain that you are an amazing man and she even gives you more support when you make a mistake because she knows that it is when you need it most.

5. She does not judge you

She spends time figuring you out, observing how you behave and she doesn’t do it to judge you. Instead she does it to know how to carry things with you and make the relationship work.

6. Money does not thrill her

For them, the simple and loving details that you have mean more and not the exotic gifts that you can give them. She appreciates them, but they are not necessary to increase her love for you.

7. Fights by your side

She is not only your friend and lover, but she is also your ally. You can count on her in difficult moments. You feel safe by her side and you know that with her support, you can win everything.