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Couples With These Common Traits Will Surely Have A Successful, Long Lasting Relationship

Couples With These Common Traits Will Surely Have A Successful, Long Lasting Relationship

1. Trusting each other

As the foundation of a relationship, trust determines the strength of that relationship. Long-lasting couples have a strong level of trust for each other. They confide their fears, anxieties, and weaknesses to their partner/spouse. Caroline Madden, a licensed marriage and family therapist and author of “After A Good Man Cheats: How to Rebuild Trust & Intimacy with Your Wife” says that trust is the most significant aspect of a marriage.

You trust your spouse with so many things, including your fears, insecurities, and childhood traumas. According to Madden, in a happy marriage, couples confide each other with their deepest thoughts and never use them against one another in future arguments.

2. Being honest

Honesty helps you gain your partner’s trust and respect. When asked during a survey, all successful couples admitted to being honest with each other.

Shula Melamed, a relationship and well-being coach, emphasizes the significance of honesty in a relationship by stating that our partner acts as an anchor in our life. We rely on them for support and comfort during the darkest moments of our lives and trust them with our feelings, vulnerabilities, and thoughts.

In addition, honesty helps to develop healthy communication with your significant other. Happy couples share their concerns openly and focus on being honest with each other, which is what having a genuine connection really means.

3. Having understanding

People who are attentive to their partner’s concerns develop a solid and healthy bond. Understanding between two individuals prevents misunderstandings that may lead to serious fights. It also helps to resolve any conflict or tension with a healthier approach. Psychotherapist M. Gary Neuman compares an understanding couple to a team.

He suggests couples have long and heartfelt discussions regularly and to go on a date every week. Neuman assures his audience that if you attentively listen to your partner and try your best to understand them, your relationship won’t be just extremely rewarding, it’ll be worth every single minute of that effort as well.

4. Being intimate

Successful couples frequently show affection to their partners. Additionally, they are physically and emotionally invested in the relationship, which increases love and care for each other. As per marriage and family therapist, Laura Heck, “S=xual and emotional intimacy is the bright shiny star of relationships.”

In addition to being in love, these couples also pay attention to their partner’s s-xual wellness, which is crucial for an active, healthy, and fruitful s-xual experience.

5. Sharing mutual respect

Respecting each other helps build a happy and healthy relationship. Successfully committed individuals respect their significant other’s beliefs, ideas, boundaries and decisions.

Having common respect helps couples through thick and thin, which strengthens their bond and makes it long-lasting.

6. Sense of humour

Lively couples with humour and playfulness form the most robust relationships.

According to Ryan Howes, a psychologist, the most successful couples can laugh at themselves. Laughter helps them to convey their desire in a playful manner without upsetting their partner. Howes explains that if we’re able to laugh at ourselves rather than being ciritical and judgmental, our life can become delightful and entertaining instead of a constant struggle.

Humour also brings excitement and optimism, which help couples during the worst moments in their relationship.