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Cherish and NEVER let go of someone who does these 6 things for you​

Cherish and NEVER let go of someone who does these 6 things for you​

1. Unconditional support​

Regardless of the circumstances, true friends and loved ones are always there for us. They offer their unwavering support and they do not expect anything in return. They listen to our concerns, help us and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times. Their presence is a source of strength that can turn even the darkest days into bearable ones.

2. ​Encouragement and motivation​

If someone genuinely cares for us, they are our biggest cheerleaders. They believe in our potential and continuously motivate us to pursue our dreams. Their encouragement pushes us to go beyond our limits and achieve what we thought was impossible. Knowing they are in our corner makes us more confident in ourselves.

3. Honesty and transparency​

People whom we should never let go of are those who are honest and transparent with us, even when it’s difficult. They don’t sugarcoat the truth but offer constructive criticism with our best interest at heart. This honesty strengthens the bond we share, as we know they will never deceive us.

4. Respect for boundaries​

These people understand that everyone needs some alone time or space to process emotions and thoughts. They never force their opinions or ideas upon us but instead, give us the freedom to make our own choices.

5. ​Celebrating our successes​

True friends and caring individuals are genuinely happy when we succeed. They celebrate our achievements as if they were their own. Rather than feeling jealous or envious, they share in our joy and feel pride in our accomplishments. This positive energy reinforces our connection and fosters a sense of mutual appreciation.

6. Forgiveness and understanding​

People who genuinely care for us are quick to forgive and understand our flaws. They don’t hold grudges but instead, work through issues together. This forgiveness and understanding create a safe and nurturing environment where we can grow and learn from our experiences.