Home Quiz Can YOU find the loo roll hidden in this brainteaser?

Can YOU find the loo roll hidden in this brainteaser?

With toilet paper in short supply at the beginning of lockdown, Yorkshire Water has created a suitably themed challenge asking people to find the toilet paper among the ‘unflushables’, including nappies and wet wipes.

A new brainteaser is challenging Brits to find the loo roll – often in short supply in supermarkets

The company is also raising awareness of ‘unblocktober’, which aimed at improving the state of Britain’s drains, and confirmed the time to beat is 17 seconds.

Mark Hammond, head of customer field services at Yorkshire Water, said: “From wet wipes to cooking fats and greases, so many blockage-causing items are poured down our sinks or flushed down our toilets every day.

“Ultimately, the incorrect disposal of items down drains and toilets can result in sewage flooding in homes, neighbourhoods and the local environment, which is not pleasant for anyone concerned.

“If every household can work hard to ensure only water goes down their sink and just the three Ps (pee, poo and paper) are flushed down their toilets, they could really make a huge difference.

“We hope our drainteaser helps to highlight some of the common culprits that cause pipe problems and keep us all on the look out for them in the future.”

If you’re still stuck and can’t find the loo roll, we’ve circled it below for you.