Home Life Brothers, take note! Here are 9 questions your woman will ask you...

Brothers, take note! Here are 9 questions your woman will ask you just to test your love for her

They said love is blind but sometimes it’s not true. A woman can go any length just be sure that you truly love her and you also mean it when you told her that you want to get married to her. To be sure that you are not going to dump her, your girlfriend will use these questions to test your love for her

1) What do you do for a living? How much do earn per month?

Your woman wants to know where you work, do really have something doing and also if your job can take care of both of you. She also wants to know if you can confidently take care of her financial needs and other people around her.

2) Why do you breakup with your Ex girlfriend?

When asking this questions, she wants to know the reason and be sure that you did not intentionally break up with your Ex girlfriend or because of her. If your answer says is because of her, you have failed her because she will conclude it that you are going breakup with her because of another woman.

3) Can you do anything for me?

You have to be careful when answering her this question so you will not put yourself in trouble with your mouth. This is tricky question.

4) Can you buy anything I ask you to buy for me?

To answer her, tell her that you will buy something she need and not what she want. If you accept to be buying what she want, you will end up buying the things that are valueless and also you will mainly be under pressure to please her because is a promise you had made to her, so you have to fulfill it.

5) Can you apologize to me even when am wrong?

Your girlfriend wants to test how much you love her, can you pet her even when she is the one that ᴏғғᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ you? Can you make yourself unhappy just because of her. Can you accept the responsibility of what she did? Please if you are not sure, don’t answer her yes.

The worst mistake you should avoid in your relationship or marriage is to be the one apologizing for what you didn’t do. You will be taken for granted, your love from that day will not be valuable to the person and you will also not be appreciated. This will be dangerous to the health of your relationship or marriage, so be mindful about it.

6) What is your relationship with God?

She wants to know how serious you are with the things of God and not just about attending church services every Sunday. She also wants to know if you are a God-fearing man, and if you are not, she will then think if she will cope with your lifestyle.

7) Can you resign from your job because of me?

She wants to know if you can do abnormal things because of love.

8) Can you break up with me, even if I sʟᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ you without reason?

Avoid saying YES to her in this question, you should even tell her that no woman has ever sʟᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ you before, not even your mother and the day she dares do it, you will quit the relationship. If you accept not to break up with her, then watch how you are going to be humiliated and ᴀʙᴜsᴇᴅ in the relationship.

9) Do you think you have a future at this age?

Your lady wants to know how mentally matured you are. She wants to know if you are a man that has goal, if you have focus, if you also have determination when you want to achieve something important to you.

This article is not just about personal opinion, it’s fact. I have seen where some of these questions mentioned above caused break up in a relationship.

A lady that truly loves you, will not go as far as trying to tempt your personality or maturity.

Source: allsinglesandmarried.com