Home Life As You Get Older You Find Out That True Happiness Is Not...

As You Get Older You Find Out That True Happiness Is Not In How Much You Make

When you’re young, you’re more likely to be tempted by flashy things. You want money, degrees, buildings, cars. But later, as you get older, you’ll realize that doesn’t really make you happy.

When you make a lot of money or have a lot of degrees, you satisfy your desire. But when you have those things, will you feel satisfied? And is your heart happy?

Or when you have your dream home, a luxury car, will you feel happy if your family is not peaceful. Would you be happy if you still want more homes and want to change for better cars?

You will realize that true happiness is actually the peace of mind, a free, serene life. It is the feeling deep inside you, which is not determined by matter.

You will also realize that your family is the most important thing to you. Money may be lost, but your family will always be with you. And, quality is always more important than quantity. “