Home Life ‘Arrogant’ son pushes BMW given to him into river because he wanted...

‘Arrogant’ son pushes BMW given to him into river because he wanted a Jaguar

‘Arrogant’Son Pushes New BMW Into River Because He Was Expecting A Jaguar

A young driver allegedly pushed into a river this BMW he got from him parents — because he wanted a Jaguar.

His generous parents went out of their way to gift their son with a wonderful present for his birthday. They presented the M3 to AH even though they knew he had mentioned he wanted a Jaguar.

Not only did the belligerent brat shove the car into the river, but, according to ABC News, he also created a video and sent it to his parents. The video captures the sports car floating down the river where it eventually gets stuck in a shallow patch. Volunteers and local police were able to retrieve the car using ropes and machinery.

In India, where AH perpetrated this affront to “the ultimate driving machine,” a brand-new BMW M3 costs about $50,000 to $60,000 according to the Times of India.

AH’s father maintains that his son did not commit the act deliberately but in fact had swerved to avoid an antelope in the road and ended up in the river. Perhaps more discipline would have been in order for such bratty behavior, rather than a high-end sports car.

Source:foxnews.com, apost.com