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Are YOU drinking enough water? Here are 14 Signs you aren’t dinking enough water.

Are YOU drinking enough water? Here are 14 Signs you aren’t dinking enough water.

1. Your mouth is dry

Drinking water lubricates the mucous membranes in your mouth and throat, which will continue to keep your mouth moist with saliva long after that first sip

2. Your skin is dry

In fact, dry skin is one of the first signs of total dehydration, which can lead to much bigger problems. Lack of water means lack of sweat, which leads to the body’s inability to wash away excess dirt and oil accumulated throughout the day.

3. You are too thirsty

You may even feel an excessive thirst that doesn’t seem to go away with a simple sip or gulp of water. Your body is trying to tell you that it has been deprived of an adequate amount of water for some time, and you should quench this thirst as soon as possible.

4. Your eyes are dry

Without water, your tear ducts will start to dry out and will not be able to moisten your eyes. As a result, your eyes will become irritated and blood red. Having dry eyes is not a pleasant feeling, and it can be easily avoided if you frequently drink the recommended amount of water.

5. You feel pain in your joints

Our cartilage and spinal discs are made up of about 80% water. This is an absolute necessity to keep our bones from grinding against each other with every step we take. By keeping your body hydrated, you ensure that your joints can absorb the shock of sudden movements, such as running, jumping, or falling awkwardly.

6. Your Muscle Mass Decreases

Your muscles, too, are mostly composed of water. Obviously, less water in the body means less muscle mass. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout not only keeps you hydrated and comfortable, it also brings water to the right places in your body, and decreases the possibility of developing inflammation and pain related to exercise and weight lifting.

7. You stay sick longer

Drinking water allows your body to continuously flush out toxins. Your organs work to filter our certain waste products like a machine, but if you don’t supply the machine with water, it cannot function properly.

8. You feel fatigued and Lethargic

As we just mentioned, when a body is dehydrated it “borrows” water from its blood. The lack of properly hydrated blood leads to a lack of oxygen being brought throughout the body. Of course, the lack of oxygen leads to drowsiness and total fatigue.

9. You feel Hungry

When you are dehydrated, your body may start to think that it needs some food. However, eating food creates more work for your body, while drinking water purifies and your organs and provides you with the fuel you need to go through the other processes a body goes through.

10. You Experience Digestive Problems

The mucus in our mouth and throat, and the way we keep ourselves hydrated, allows the membrane to function properly. This also applies to the entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and strength of mucus in the stomach decreases, allowing stomach acid to do some major damage inside. This leads to what we commonly call heartburn and indigestion.

12. Experience Reduced Urination

Believe it or not, if you’re not making a trip to the bathroom 4-7 times a day, you’re probably not drinking enough water. And when you go #1, it should be a light or light yellow color. If it’s a darker yellow, your body is telling you that you lack adequate hydration. In extreme cases, dehydration can lead to urinary tract infections, in which case you should see a doctor immediately.

13. Experience Premature Aging

Although premature aging is more evident on the outside, the damage it does to our insides will eventually be felt over time. To lower the risk of getting a raw body, it is important to continue drinking water throughout your life.

14. You are reading this and you have come so far

If you clicked on this article, you are likely thinking to yourself “I don’t think I drink enough water”. The European Food Safety Authority and many others recommend that women should drink about 1.6 liters of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 liters of fluid per day. That’s about eight glasses of 200ml each for a woman, and 10 glasses of 200ml each for a man. However, the amount a person needs to drink to avoid becoming dehydrated will vary depending on a number of factors, including their size, temperature, and how active they are. So, for example, if you are exercising in hot weather, you will need to drink more.

All drinks count, including hot drinks like tea and coffee, but water, milk, and fruit juices are the healthiest. It is best to avoid alcoholic beverages.

Source:awesomequotes4u.com, alfaauv.com