Home Quiz Are You Clever Enough To Solve This Mind-Boggling Riddle?

Are You Clever Enough To Solve This Mind-Boggling Riddle?

Here’s a riddle that is slowly but surely plunging the internet into confusion.

Today’s mind-boggling riddle

It’s time to put those thinking caps and figure out the right solution. We know you can do it. All you require is a little kick starting motivation. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s see what today’s challenge has in store.

Alright, first things first. Let’s read what’s written.

Scroll down for answer:









The correct answer

We know you’re just as curious as us in terms of figuring out the right answer. Let’s take a look!

The right answer is by both earning and spending, he would have $5 every two days. So, by day 16, he would have $40. Do you get it now?