Home Health Apply a little olive oil in the navel, the immediate result will...

Apply a little olive oil in the navel, the immediate result will surprise you

Olive oil is considered very beneficial for health, it is used for cooking and applying on the skin. But have you ever applied olive oil to the navel? Many health experts believe that this is very beneficial for health, and this habit must be adopted. Let us know what can be the benefits of applying olive oil in the naval area.

1. Eases menstrual cramps

It also allows females to alleviate cramps and pain during menstruation by relaxing the veins around the uterine lining.

2. Reduces the chances of infection

Since the belly button is deep, damp, and dark it is a favourable breeding ground for yeast and bacteria. You can use olive oil as it has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties which treat belly button infections and can keep the area clean and supple.

3. Beneficial for hair and face

Vitamin E is found in abundance in olive oil, which makes it beneficial for the skin. If you apply olive oil to the navel every day before going to sleep, then there will be a tremendous glow on the face. Along with this, dryness of skin and hair will also reduce. It also protects the lips from chapping.

4. Improves the skin texture

Ayurvedic expert Vaidya Shakuntala Devi says, “The skin can benefit greatly from massaging the belly button with olive oil as it is high in natural fatty acids, and can help in erasing pigmentation, prevent excessive dryness, improve skin texture, preserve moisture in the body from head to toe, including lips and heels, and contributes to achieving a natural shine on your skin.”

5. Cures upset stomach

If you are suffering from stomach pain and do not want to take medication for it you can try applying olive oil to your belly button for some relief. Massaging the belly button with oil can relieve irritable bowel movement, constipation, bloating and indigestion, nausea, and upset stomach, etc.

6. Night will come from gas

Nowadays our lifestyle and food habits have become very messed up, often we eat more oily food, or start overeating. In such a situation, gas starts forming in the stomach and we become a victim of constipation. To avoid this, rub olive oil in the navel, and you will get relief soon.

7. Treats body blemishes

“It can also assist in purifying the blood and removing blemishes from the body, which can help to avoid acne-caused hormonal issues,” says Shakuntala Devi.

8. Joint pain

By massaging your belly button, you stimulate nerves, tissues, muscles, and joints within your body. People suffering from joint issues massage their joints and legs to get relief from the terrible pain.