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Apart from I LOVE YOU, here are the things that make your partner feel cared about and special

Apart from I LOVE YOU, here are the things that make your partner feel cared about and special. I hope that after reading this piece, you will turn a new leaf and tell your spouse the words that will make your marriage a heaven on earth.


1. You matter most to me.

We all want to hear that we’re special to someone and when we hear those words, it means the world to us. Sometimes, you can initiate to your partner what you want to hear back, so if they mean the world to you, tell them.

2. I love the way…

fill in the blank–something that they do that pleases you. Praise, praise, praise. Often we’re so critical of ourselves and others that we forget to say what’s right. Here’s your opportunity. What do you love about your partner? Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell them, and tell them often.

3. Although I don’t “need” you, I love to spend time with you.

There’s a difference between “need” and “want.” Need sometimes can mean that we’re deprived in some area, less than. Want is used when you feel whole on your own but desire to do things together. It’s important to remember your strength in a relationship. You’re together because two complete individuals want to share a life with each other.

4. I think you’re great to look at.

Flattery gets you everywhere. Tell your partner when they look “hot,” and watch them smile and blush.

5. We have such fun, don’t we?

Again, let something good be said. After all, you’re not with this person to only share the bad times. So, continue to create more good times together.

6. I want to grow old with you.

The highest compliment you can give someone is wanting to be together throughout a life. So, with love in your heart, use words so they can feel how much you care.

Reference: ngnews247.com