Home Health Almost Every House Has It, You Keep A ∂єαтн Machine In Your...

Almost Every House Has It, You Keep A ∂єαтн Machine In Your Kitchen That You Should Throw Away Immediately!

Almost Every House Has It, You Keep A ∂єαтн Machine In Your Kitchen That You Should Throw Away Immediately!

I’ve done it.99% of people have done it too.

It is absolutely amazing and strange how just a few button presses can make a hot meal.

It’s really fast and simple! But do you know how the microwave actually works? How can it get fast and hot? What does it do to food? Numerous studies have proven the dangers of microwave use. Here are the top 5 reasons to stop using microwaves….

1. Microwaves Destroy Vitamin B12 and Breast Milk

-The harmful bacteria can be caused by heating breast milk in the microwave

-We have a 30-40% decrease in Vitamin B12 when using microwave foods like milk, pork or beef.

-We are 18 times more likely to contain E coli when breast milk is heated to high temperature.

2. Microwave ZAP nutrients

– Turns into harmful substances that are difficult to process once food is microwaved, even if you start with healthy, fresh, nutritious food.

-decreases the nutrient content and changes the molecular structure of food when microwaved.

3.The composition of the blood can be altered

– When microwaved foods are consumed, cholesterol and white blood cell levels increase.

-When you consume microwaved vegetables and milk, your blood cells decrease.

4. Microwaves Create Carcinogens

-Microwaves + food + plastic = Carcinogens

-Toxins and harmful substances are contained in the plastic container used to heat your food. Polyethylene, toluene, benzene, and BPA are released by these chemicals into your food. You ingest these dangerous toxins by consuming your microwaved food.

5. Your health and your heart can be affected by microwaving

-Your heart rate can be immediately affected by the radiation emitted by microwaves. Microwave radiation usually leads to:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Vision and vision problems.
  • Irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Impaired cognition.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headaches.
  • Night sweats, sleep disturbances, insomnia.
  • We think these reasons are enough to get rid of your microwave! All studies have shown that it is extremely dangerous.
