Home Health All Men Fall Love With The Women That Have This Feature

All Men Fall Love With The Women That Have This Feature

Scientists have proven: All Men Fall Love With The Women That Have This Feature

The ideal man who has a muscular body and is as wise as an elder and as brave as a warrior lives only in Internet messages. Every woman has her own beauty criteria, but scientists are still trying to find the image of the ideal man.

Today, Bright Side will tell you about 11 characteristics of a man’s attractiveness from a scientific point of view. Some of the facts are true, and some are just surprising.

11. Thick eyebrows and square jaw

These are the main traits of masculine men. Women prefer men with these traits when looking for a long-term relationship. Hopefully, men will not dye their eyebrows like women do after reading this scientific statement.

10. Beard

Scientists have conducted interesting research to learn how facial hair affects the beauty of a man’s hands. Women were asked to rate men with different facial hair styles. There were clean-shaven men, men with light hair, men with thick hair (which appears on day 10), and men with thick beards. The women liked the men with thick stubble better because they associated them with maturity and masculinity.

9. Scars

The scientists showed photographs of men with and without facial scars. Some women assumed that the scars were the result of violence (they were, in fact, photographed). It seems that gunshot wounds are more attractive than wounds from a bicycle fall.

8. Shy smile

If men want to be more handsome, their smile should be shy. It is even better if there is a trace of shame and dignity on their faces. Scientists, this explains why women like the bad guys. Scientists have also proven that a woman’s smile is a powerful tool when it comes to stealing a man’s heart.

7. Age

If a woman were to decide between a handsome man and the same man at a slightly older age, she would choose the second variant. People become wiser, more confident, and independent as they get older. A man’s age does not really affect fertility (it also depends on lifestyle), which is why there is no risk if a woman chooses an older partner. Scientists call this characteristic the George Clooney Effect.

6. The Thrift Effect

It is very romantic to sell everything to buy millions of flowers, but not all women such actions. Women prefer men who can save money, not because they can have more savings. The reason is that thrifty people give the impression of having great self-control, and this increases their attractiveness.

5. Pets

When a woman sees a man with his pet, scientists are sure that she thinks, “If a man has a pet, he will probably be able to take care of our children and me.” And that is why women find such men more attractive. But we think that this only indicates that he is a good person.

4. Red clothes

You may have heard about this already, but let’s repeat it. Scientists have proven that men in red clothes are more attractive to women. By the way, women also increase their chances by wearing red clothes.

3. Play a musical instrument

Another useful experiment. One and the same man asked for women’s phone numbers. In different situations, he was empty-handed, with a guitar, and with a gym bag.

35% of the women who were solicited by the man holding a guitar gave their phone numbers. 14% of the women who were solicited by the empty-handed man responded positively. Only 9% of women shared their numbers with a man holding a gym bag. But what if he had held an accordion?

2. Body odor after eating garlic

We can hardly believe it, but here are some facts, the men were divided into 2 groups: the first group ate bread and cheese, and the second group ate bread, cheese, and 12 grams (0.42 oz) of garlic. They were then asked to keep cotton pads under their arms and to not use deodorant throughout the day. The women then smelled the pillows and concluded that the “garlic” pillows smelled better.

1. Sense of humor

At a bar, there were some boys (actors) and an ordinary girl sitting at the next table. One boy told a joke, then went up to the girl and asked for her phone number. Then they waited for another girl to arrive. One of the boys told a joke once more, but the other (not the writer) went to a girl. They repeated their experiment 60 times.
