Home Health After You Know This, You Are Going To Eat Cucumber Every Day!

After You Know This, You Are Going To Eat Cucumber Every Day!

The taste and feel of cucumbers can really be a big help during the summer days, but cucumbers have multiple health benefits.

With this origins dated back to India, cucumbers are packed with nutrients, low in calories, and rich in water and electrolytes. The cucumber plant is a vine, a member of the Cucurbita family, they share a family with other fruits and vegetables such as melons, pumpkins, courgettes, etc. Cucumbers come in all shapes, sizes and colors globally. Usually they have a dark tone with a crunch texture with very rich seeds.

If you leave it to grow, it will increase its size, and the skin will become harder, yellow, while the seeds will turn yellow, and should not be eaten. You can find fresh cucumbers throughout the entire year, and here are some of the reasons you should consume them very often.


1. High in minerals

They contain a high amount of minerals like magnesium, potassium and silicon, all vital for a number of important bodily functions.

2. Great for toxins elimination

Cucumbers are loaded with water which eliminates the waste from the body, and even dissolves kidney stones.

3. Fight diabetes, lower cholesterol, and control blood pressure

Fiber, magnesium, and potassium, all of which are found in high levels in cucumbers, regulate blood pressure. The juice of cucumbers is rich in a hormone that is needed for pancreatic cells to produce insulin.

4. Abundant in vitamins

If you want to stack up on vitamins make sure you munch on a cucumber because they have all the vitamins your body needs, including vitamin B, C and A, which give you energy and stimulate your immune system.

5. Moisturize the body

Did you know that a cucumber is made of 90% water? No wonder it’s so refreshing, hydrating and moisturizing for your skin.

6. Improve your joints

Silicon in cucumbers strengthens the joints and the connective tissues, and if mixed with carrots, it treats gout and arthritis pain by reducing uric acid.

7. Support kidneys health

Cucumbers lower the uric acid amount in the body thus preserving your kidneys health.

8. Digestion and weight loss

Since they contain very low calorie count but have high water content they’re a great addition to every diet.

9. Fresh breath and healthy gums

The juices released when you chew the cucumber refresh the gums and heals inflammation. Cucumbers are also high in phytochemicals which fight bad breath and destroy bacteria.

10. Improved hair and nails quality

They are rich in silicon and sulfur which are important nutrients for good and healthy hair and nails. They also stimulate their growth.

11. Fight solar damage

Consuming cucumbers balances out your skin’s acidity, so you can use them against sunburns.

12. Great against hangover

The high vitamin B, sugar and electrolyte content treats headaches and hangovers, so make sure you eat a few slices of cucumbers before you go to sleep if you have drunk alcohol.

13. Ends with dark circles

Their potent anti-inflammatory properties remove dark circles or “bags” and swellings under the eyes.

14. Great taste

Cucumbers are really delicious, and due to the numerous nutrients and health benefits, they are the fourth most harvested vegetable in the world. Add them to salads, juices, and appetizers, and enjoy their refreshing flavor.


– 2 cups cucumber (peeled and chopped)
– 1/4 cup red onions (chopped)
– 2 tbsp. fresh parsley (nicely chopped)
– 1/2 cup tomato (chopped into small cubes)
– 4 ½ tsp. cilantro (fresh and chopped)
– 1 chili pepper (chopped and without seeds)
– 1 garlic clove (chopped)
– 1/4 cup Greek yogurt (cottage cheese/ricotta)
– 1 ½ tsp. lime juice
– 1 ½ tsp. lemon juice
– 1/4 tsp. sea salt
– 1/4 tsp. cumin powdered


Mix everything until it’s nicely combined and serve on a slice of whole grain bread. Bon appetite!