Home Life After viewing these 16 photos, you will definitely change the way you...

After viewing these 16 photos, you will definitely change the way you look at life in old age.

In recent years, Russian photographer Vladimir Yakovlev has found a special group of elderly people, the youngest of whom is 60 years old and the oldest is over 100 years old. They are very special, regardless of age, they enjoy an incredible life.

In recent years, Russian photographer Vladimir Yakovlev has found a special group of elderly people, the youngest of whom is 60 years old and the oldest is over 100 years old. They are very special, regardless of age, they enjoy an incredible life.
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Titled “The Age of Happiness,” the collection of 16 photos aims to change the way people think about life in their 70s, 80s, and even 100s.

She is 87 years old.

Is a figure skater.

She is 61 years old.

As a pole dancer

He was 78 years old.

At the age of 65, he decided to become a skateboarder.

He is 102 years old

He rides his bike every day like a professional runner

She was 72 years old.

At the age of 68, she decided to become a DJ

(The person who chooses and plays music at a party)

She was 100 years old.

At the age of 85, she started climbing.

He was 73 years old.

He can perform endurance exercises at a difficult level.

Some young people could not complete his movements.

He was 70 years old.

I started exercising at the age of 60

He was 96 years old.

is a skier.

She was 80 years old.

From the age of 70, I decided to become an independent actor.

She is 61 years old.

I did makeup 25 years ago,

It was not until the age of 49 that she was discovered and became a supermodel.

She was 83 years old.

is a marathon runner.

He was 92 years old.

He loved ballet the most, and he only started practicing at the age of 80.

He was 92 years old.

He dared to try things that even young people wouldn’t dare to try.

She is 61 years old.

At the age of 57, she began to try her hand at motor sports.

Don’t always say you’re old,

Because you’re not as old as them.

Don’t tell me I can’t do it,

Because they used to be worse than you.

They tell you,

Life can be long or short,

Youth has no time limit.