Home Health Add these things to your diet to stabilize your blood pressure

Add these things to your diet to stabilize your blood pressure

Blood pressure is going to be an issue for many of us especially when we grow older. In some people, it drastically increases and it is the harbinger of various other complications. There are myriad causes for this spike such as unhealthy diet, drinking habits, lack of sleep, cigarettes, weight gain, and anxiety. To stabilize your blood pressure, you’ll need to transform your daily habits.

For people with a serious problem, medicines are necessary, but most of us can stabilize our blood pressure if we just make healthier choices. You should also keep in mind that high blood pressure is passed down from generation to generation, so those with a family history need to be more wary about their lifestyles.

Normal systolic pressure should be less than 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure should be less than 80 mm Hg.

These are some home remedies you can use to bring down your blood pressure


All you need to do is mix the juice of one lemon with some water and have it before breakfast. It’s a good way to start your day.


Sodium is one of the main culprits behind high blood pressure and it can be controlled by consuming lots of potassium. The best way to ingest more potassium is by eating bananas. Eat at least two every day to make your body healthier and to bring your blood pressure to a normal level.


Besides its deliciousness, garlic can also make your immunity stronger. It stabilizes blood pressure and controls the amount of unhealthy cholesterol in your body. Scientists have discovered that garlic stops your body from producing a hormone called angiotensin II. It ensures that your blood vessels aren’t constricted. Eating a minimum of two cloves everyday can grant you all these benefits.


Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1/8th of a teaspoon of baking soda, some water, and mix it all together. Drinking this twice a day will make this drink more effective. The calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other important elements in the apple cider vinegar strengthen the arteries. Your blood pressure and pH levels are stabilized by the baking soda.
