Home Quiz About 35 Percent of People Don’t Know How Many Girls Are in...

About 35 Percent of People Don’t Know How Many Girls Are in This Photo. Do You?

In the photo below, you can see an image that appears to be of a room full of girls. But how many girls are really in the photo? That’s the challenge.

Only about 65 percent of the people who look at this image will get the answer correct, but it’s not as simple as it seems. Look at it carefully and see if you have a sharp enough mind to figure it out.

(photo from Instagram user tizzia)

Figure it out? The obvious answer at first seems to be that it’s two girls in front of a mirror.

BUT is it possible that there are in fact TWO sets of girls in the photo and the reflection is of FOUR girls rather than two… Look at the bracelet on the taller girl’s arm. Is it a clue? And how can her face be reflected in the mirror if she’s looking away from it?

The four-girl theory can take you down a mind-boggling path, but in the end, this Facebook user’s explanation seems like the most likely answer: “Two girls, two mirrors one mirror on each side of the bench, shoot the photo at an angle and BAM! You have a lot of girls.”

And the answer…?

As stated by the photographer herself, there are only two girls in the photo.