Home Life A Woman Will Choose Another Man Over You Only When You...

A Woman Will Choose Another Man Over You Only When You Do Any Of The Following Things

A Woman Will Choose Another Man Over You Only When You Do Any Of The Following Things

1. You lie too often

Stop lying about your life if you want her to be a part of it. No relationship has even been able to sustain itself on lies. And if you’re someone who lies about every little thing in your life, then you can’t expect her to trust you with anything. Naturally, she wouldn’t want to be a part of the relationship too.

2. You don’t let changes enter your life

You’ve let your relationship take its usual course day after day. You need to add a bit of spice to make it more interesting. Let it not be predictable and mundane. Try something new every now and then.

3. You’re never listening to what she says

Isn’t it frustrating when you’re trying to say something to your partner and the person is just absent-mindedly nodding at you? Don’t you like a more active participation in what’s being said to you? Of course, she expects the same from you. All that it requires is your genuine presence that makes her feel that she can open up to you. So listen to her and let your presence be felt by her.

4. You judge her every act

You’re so generous with your criticism of her that she doesn’t want to be around you anymore. So instead of pulling her apart by throwing judgments at her, maybe you should strengthen her by praising her and, more importantly, accepting her for who she is.

5. You keep your emotions under wraps

If you keep your emotions so protected and don’t let her take a look at it, then she’ll start feeling rejected. Let your partner see the vulnerable side to you so that she feels like you’re opening up to her and letting her be a part of your life.

6. You don’t have time for her

Even if you’re not doing anything special for her, just being there for her is enough to keep it going. Give her a part of your precious time before she takes the exit door to spend her time with someone who cares for it.