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A Woman Got Brutal Critics Because She Does Not Wear a Bra to Her New Job

Each workplace has rules that must be followed by employees, but sometimes these rules can cross personal boundaries. Recently, a woman shared her concerns about being confronted because of choosing her comfort at work. This issue sparked mixed opinions among people.

A woman mentioned the case as “the most absurd controversy that I have been involved in”.

For illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

“Day 1 of my new job. I wear a sweater and pants to work. I do not wear a bra. I have never worn a bra for two years at my previous job, and nobody has ever brought it up. I obviously have not been wearing a bra at home for the past year, during lockdown. I hate bras, I find them very uncomfortable and unnecessary”, she imparted details.

“Two people come up to me during the day, and say that what I’m wearing is inappropriate and that I should wear a bra to work. This is a new job, I don’t even know any of these people. I’m literally wearing a sweater, you can’t see anything, I’m all covered up. You can’t see anything except the shape of my breast, I guess. One woman literally told me these words, as she was complaining about my clothes. I have large boobs, but I feel that what I’m wearing is completely normal.”

She continued with her narrative about what happened the next day: “Day 2 of my new job. I do not wear a bra, but I wear a T-shirt and a jacket on top of that. I am dressed even more conservatively than day 1. Two more people give me similar criticisms again. One of them is the secretary of my supervisor, so this is getting serious. I mention to her that the office literally has no dress code, and that employees can wear what is comfortable. She says that there is still an unspoken etiquette to be followed. She also mentioned that the shape of my boobs were clearly visible”.

A woman finished her story with the question, hoping to get a view from the side: “For the two years I spent at my prev office, I did not wear a bra once. I usually wore sweaters or T-shirts or blouses, most of the time, along with a jacket. Even though I may have large breasts, I did not see it as inappropriate or a problem. Am I wrong here?”