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Never Send These 7 Text Messages To Your Man If You Want To Keep Him In Your Life

Never Send These 7 Text Messages To Your Man If You Want To Keep Him In Your Life

Remember to keep the nagging and complaining to a minimum. In general, guys really hate it when you do that. Try to be a problem solver instead of someone who just passively complains about every bad things that’s going on. Be his partner. Work together as you try to jump over the hurdles of your relationship. You don’t want to be nagging and nagging too much without talking about what you can do to remedy your situation.


Though there should always be room for criticism in a relationship – it should always be done with sensitivity and love. You can’t be criticizing and insulting him just to make him feel bad That’s not going to make him want to be with you. And you especially can’t be criticizing him through text. You risk being misunderstood. Always take a very personal approach in trying to constructively criticize your man. Otherwise, he might take it the wrong way.


Apologies are great – but never take the easy way out by merely texting them to him. When you screw up in a relationship, it’s essential that you swallow your pride and admit your faults. Go up to him and apologize to him; reassure him that you know what you did was wrong and that you’re going to learn from it. And most of all, do it in person. Something as sensitive as an apology has to be done in person. Sending it through a text message takes the meaning away from it.


Never be so quick to jump to conclusions with your man. Never be interrogating him about his whereabouts on the previous night through text message. Don’t be accusing him of cheating on you with another girl through text. In general, hold of on all of the accusatory remarks. These are serious issues that need to be dealt with in person – and in a very intensive manner.


Don’t break up with him on the phone. Don’t ask him to move in with you through a text message. You don’t expect him to propose to you via a text message, do you? Afford him that same respect. If there is a serious issue surrounding your relationship, you have to be able to talk about these things in person. There are some conversations that just can’t be had on a virtual space.


In relation to the previous item on this list, even some of the more serious aspects of life that don’t necessarily concern your relationship need to be discussed in person. If you find out that you’re sick, that you’re pregnant, that you’re getting promoted, that you’ve been fired; whatever. These are things that you should reserve for face-to-face conversations instead.


And lastly, stop sharing intimate and private details through your texts. You can’t be too trusting of technology these days. You never know who’s going to end up with whatever information you share over your phone.