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Just Resort To These 5 Traits, You Will Know If You And Your Partner Are Made For Each Other

Just Resort To These 5 Traits, You Will Know If You And Your Partner Are Made For Each Other
1. A thousand breakups, but never an actual one

You give each other a second, third and a number of chances in love. You guys probably know that after all that verbal fights, hours of arguments and even calling it off, you will be back to each other with renewed emery and positive outlook. Most of the times, you are on your way to break up, but end up making up and finally reuniting, continuing to make your relationship better.

2. On the same wavelength, always

Your mind is clouded with thoughts and concerns about your partner all the time. He/she not only makes you complete, but you both enjoy each other’s space in every aspect; be it parties, movies, travelling or night outs. That you have common interests acts as a catalyst to improve your relationship’s state of health.

3. You absolutely adore everything about each other.

Instead of finding little mannerisms annoying, you love each other for them. He finds it extremely endearing every time you hiccup before sneezing and is rarely able to resist stealing a kiss when he sees you absentmindedly twirling your hair. You adore the way he walks, talks and whistles when he is happy. And, man! That crooked smile gets you every time.

4. You talk openly about everything.

There is no such thing as a secret in your relationship. You tell each other everything from how your day at work was to how you felt during the darkest moment of your life. There is a strong feeling of trust and respect between you. You can always depend on her to be a safe place where you know your thoughts and concerns will be listened to.

5. Being together just feels right.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but when she is by your side, things just feel… right. Being together is easy and comfortable. It really feels like “coming home.”