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How To Become Totally Irresistible to Your Husband

How To Become Totally Irresistible to Your Husband

1. Affirm him.

A man wants to be around a woman who makes him feel like he’s winning. Let him know he’s a great provider, he is great at what he does, he can still get your heart racing– whatever it is that you can compliment him on. And mean it. A woman who sings her man’s praises is a woman he’ll come after… so he can hear more!

2. Dress for him.

Some women don’t think much about what they wear, with the excuse that they’re just not into the “latest” fashion or “just my husband.” But men can recognize “frumpy” even if we can’t. And dress for him at night, too. Your husband might be majorly turned off by a “grandma” night gown that resembles something his mother used to wear! So, it may be time to invest in some lingerie or just something ‘form flattering’ or feminine.

3. Flirt with him.

Flirting is a hidden art among women today. We usually have too many other things on our mind to even think about saying something to get his attention and let him know we’re thinking of him. But flirting can be sending a text message or leaving a voice mail telling him he’s on your mind. Think: what did I do back when we dated? And that will help with your flirt factor.

4. Initiate.

Initiate a hug. Initiate a kind word or compliment. Initiate lovemaking. Chances are your husband dreams of the “wild woman” within you. Let your inner tigress come out now and then and show him he’s still the one. You want to be pursued. So does he, now and then. Surprise him. And show him there’s a side of you he has yet to discover.

5. Kiss him with passion.

Not just a peck on the cheek, like you’d do to your child. But really kiss him. Studies show that couples who kiss each other daily enjoy a higher satisfaction rate in marriage than those who don’t. So take the initiative and kiss him. Yes, you’d like him to kiss you first, but do for him what you’d like him to do for you. Kiss him like you mean it. And see what happens.

6. Leave the lights on.

Your husband is visually wired. And people believe that men see in soft focus anyway, meaning your man is not nearly as critical of your body as you are. Make the most of what you have to offer him and trust he’ll appreciate it.

7. Make his favorite meal or dessert.

Let him know you care and whip up what he loves to eat. Food is still good foreplay when it comes to men. The best way to your man’s heart may still be through his stomach.

8. Respect who he is and what he does.

He needs that from you more than you realize.