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If Your Man Still Keeps These Things, It Means He Loves His Ex More Than You

Have you ever wondered if your man forgets his ex? Does he still have romantic feelings for her? Does he love her more than you? Or some thoughts like that. This article will give you an answer. Here are the biggest signs he loves his ex more than you.

1. He still has pictures of them together in his home

He’s still in love with his ex, even more than you if he has pictures of them together in his home. It shows that he remains connected to her emotionally and physically. That means he’s still very attached to having her around and that she’s probably a presence in his life.

2. He follows her on social media and reads her updates

This could signify that he loves his ex more than you. Most people usually unfollow or block their exes after a breakup because they don’t want to have anything to do with them anymore. They want it to be over indeed; even if they still care about them, they know it’s just a matter of time; they’d get over them.

If your boyfriend loves his ex more than you, he may still want to know what she’s up to, or he may not have gotten around to blocking her on the platform.

However you look at it, this sign of him not cutting ties with his ex clearly indicates his feelings for her. If he follows her life on social media after their relationship ended even more than he follows you, he’s in love with her more than you.

3. He compares you to his ex

It is never a good thing to compare someone to an ex-partner. It puts pressure on the person who isn’t their ex-partner and shows an inability of your current man to see you for all of your great qualities because he’s still holding onto what was in the past with his previous partner.

If your guy is constantly comparing you to his ex, that’s a sign he probably loves her more than you. Now, maybe she was amazing, and he couldn’t help it. Maybe he’s just not over her. Maybe he’s just a jerk who doesn’t care about your feelings.

However, if he’s constantly talking about how great she was at cooking or how fun she was to be with or whatever the magical thing they did together, chances are he wishes you were more like her. No one wants to be compared to someone else when it comes down to it. If your man is doing it often, they love their ex more than they love you!

4. He can’t stop talking about her and his relationship with her

If your boyfriend is still hung up on their ex, they’ll likely default to discussing their old flame because that relationship was more comfortable than your current dynamic.

If you hear things like “When we were together, she used to do this…” or “My ex would never let me get away with that!” that’s the sound of someone who’s still not over their past.

When someone can’t stop talking about their ex, they are not over them yet, and they may love their old relationship more than their new one.

5. You’ll see it in his eyes

Do his eyes have a dreamy, faraway look? Do they light up when he talks about her?

Does he get sparkly-eyed when you mention her name?

If so, dip, girl—he’s not over his ex.

If he secretly wishes she was the one he was with right now, you’ll be able to see it in the way his eyes glaze over when you talk to him.

If he wishes she was next to him at a restaurant instead of you, you’ll notice that his eyes appear tired and bored.