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7 Things You Should Never Do If You Want To Make Your Relationship Last

7 Things You Should Never Do If You Want To Make Your Relationship Last

1. Never lie to each other

Lying is like planting bomb secretly. If your partner finds the truth, the bomb will explode.

The relationship won’t be healthy anymore. If you tell a lie once then all your truth will be questionable. Never lie to your partner.

2. Never make your partner feel like a third wheel

When you hang out with your partner and his/her family, friends, or co-workers, people you also feel like you have good relationships with, but feel like your presence wouldn’t be missed, you’re the third wheel. Like being left out in the group conversation, feeling invisible within the group.

Whether you are dating or married, sometimes you can make him/her to feel like a third wheel in the relationship. Your spouse’s relatives, friends, and co-workers may come around and suddenly your partner become invisible in the gathering, conversation or left out of plans.

You’ve to be very careful and avoid this as it can ruin a relationship. “Never make each other feel like a third wheel”.

3. Never leave when they need you

We all believe if someone love us, they won’t leave us. When you are needed but you leave or not available, it means you do not care about your partner.

His/Her attention may be divert to those that stayed with him/her during the period. Never leave your partner when they need you most!

4. Never blame your partner

Nobody is perfect. But instead of blaming, a good communication can solve the problem. Never blame each other for something that is not their fault!

5. Never keep secret

You need to be honest with your partner always.

You should never keep any secret as keeping secrets can be destructive to relationships.

It’s better to communicate and share your thoughts, feelings and needs with each other, rather than keep them hidden away. Never keep secrets from your partner.

6. Never Cheat

Cheating is immoral and not an appropriate way of dealing with relationship issues. It’ll destroy your relationship. Don’t cheat on your partner!

7. Never compare your significant other with your ex-partner

If you have lingering feelings towards your ex-partner, then it might be hard for you to trust and open up to a new partner.

The best thing to do is put all of your trust and faith into the new person in order to build a healthy relationship.