Home relationship 10 Signs Your Man Is Interested in Someone Else

10 Signs Your Man Is Interested in Someone Else

10 Signs Your Man Is Interested in Someone Else

1. He stops making an effort with you
When your boyfriend starts to stop making so much of an effort, it can be because there’s someone else who has caught his eye and he isn’t trying as hard when he spends time with you.

If he doesn’t want to go out as often or if he is not as interested in the things you both used to like, it may be one of the signs he is in love with someone else.

2. He suddenly has plans all the time

If his schedule wasn’t crazy busy before, this is definitely a red flag. All of his free time has to be going somewhere, and his neglectful ways should be enough to prove his wandering heart. Saturday and Sunday are most likely the only days he’s not working, so if he can’t carve out time to see you then he simply doesn’t want to.

3. He seems distracted while you are together

If he is constantly on his phone or looking at it when you’re with him, there may be someone else who has caught his attention.

He may be texting them or looking at their social media.

4. You no longer do your favorite activities together

Whether you have a weekly Sunday brunch tradition or always watch your go-to shows, if these plans have mysteriously dropped out of existence, then he’s found other ways to spend his time that don’t include you. Watch out, because this could be his way of easing out of your relationship.

5. He’s constantly bringing up someone else

Finding ways of slipping another woman’s name into every conversation is a telltale sign that your partner shares more than just inside jokes with her. Remember that, after all, he’s talking about her the way he used to talk about you and there’s absolutely no reason to stick around and see how this will end.

6. He’s claims they’re “just friends”

If your partner has recently found a new female friend that he now spends all of his time with, be alert. Even if they really are just friends, there’s always a possibility that he’s either emotionally cheating or things will eventually get physical behind your back. You’ll know your instincts were right if you break up and he immediately starts dating her.

7. The quality of your communication reduces

If your man is in love with someone else, you may feel like he doesn’t want to talk about anything important and the communication has become one-sided.

He’s probably confiding in them instead of you and it makes him not interested in having a two-way conversation with you anymore.

He doesn’t want to get into deep conversations and will avoid it at all costs because of his feelings for another person.

8. He’s always picking fights

The fact that your partner seems to enjoy arguing with you shows that he’s looking for a way out. He’s probably hoping that if he hurts you enough, you’ll break up with him, and then he won’t have to feel guilty for falling into the arms of another woman.

9. He no longer shares his feelings.

This one is simple, Ladies. If he’s not telling you anything personal anymore it’s probably because he’s telling someone else. Don’t force it, because this will only push him into the other woman’s arms. If he doesn’t want to confide in you, then you shouldn’t want to be with him.

10. He wants more personal space

If he is in love with someone else, your boyfriend will want to keep his personal space and distance from you.

He isn’t as comfortable around you anymore, so he feels like it’s best if you give each other some breathing space.

This is someone who used to be all over you.