Home relationship When a woman is in love with you, she will let you...

When a woman is in love with you, she will let you see and feel these things

You could be fascinated by her. And she may be really nice to you. But how do you know if there is love hidden behind her niceties? Well, look out for these signs that suggest that your lady is in love with you.

1. She lights up whenever she sees you

A woman’s expression often lightens up when sees the man she is in love with. This will never happen with a woman who is not that into you. Pay attention to her eyes when you meet her, and you can notice a big difference in the way they light up.

2. She shows interest in your life

This is another possible sign she is in love with you. She might ask lots of questions about your life, dreams, past as well as your day. She is not doing this just because she is polite, but because she is curious to know more about you.

3. She’s always ready to listen to you

Have you noticed that she stops speaking or whatever else she is doing to focus on what you have to say? When a girl is in love she always puts her partner before her.

If she always puts you first, gives you attention, and rarely interrupts you, then this indicates not only that she respects you, but that you’re special to her. Even though you might be talking about trivialities, such as your favorite team winning a match, a friend losing his bet with another friend, or merely the weather.

Don’t take her willingness to listen to you for granted, because it’s an important sign she may be falling in love with you. Make sure you appreciate her efforts and attention if you want to nurture this relationship.

4. She wants to know more about your passions, hobbies and job

Even though your job might be boring or your hobbies unusual or weird, a woman in love will want to hear all about it. She wants to listen to you talk about the things you are passionate about no matter how uninterested she is in those things personally.

5. She enjoys being with you

When you’re still getting to know each other, you will probably hang out with all your friends. But if she dodges those group outings and picks an activity that allows you both to spend quality time together, it means she sees you as more than just a friend.

When she is interested in you, she will find excuses to be with you in every possible way. She may ask you to join her for shopping, to a movie, or to help you with household chores. Don’t miss such signs that indicates she’s into you.

6. She touches you

A woman who is not interested in you will try to avoid any physical contact with you, including being near you. But, a woman who loves you will be very comfortable about physical contact and might initiate touch, or might get closer to you.

7. She makes a sacrifice for your happiness

When a person is in love, making a sacrifice is never difficult if it is about someone they love. A woman who loves you will never be happy if you are not, so she can do everything she can to make you feel better. This is a way she uses to express her love, and it may also involve changing her plans or getting out of her comfort zone.

8. She respects you

If you hold an important position in her life, she will pay attention to what you are saying, be more interested in what you do, and even value your opinion about things in her life. This behavior indicates that she loves and values you and wants you to be more than just her friend.

9. She shows signs of jealousy

Even though jealousy might turn a relationship into a toxic one and it’s often a sign of possessiveness rather than love, a woman who’s falling in love with you doesn’t want to lose you.

Since she’s afraid of losing you, it’s normal for her to feel a bit jealous from time to time. That doesn’t necessarily mean she’s clingy or toxic. It may simply mean she can’t stand the idea of you being with someone else – instead of her.

And that’s one of the clearest signs she’s falling for you.