Home Health 4 drinks you should limit your intake if you don’t want to...

4 drinks you should limit your intake if you don’t want to have diabetes and put your health at risk

With people who have diabetes, it is of the utmost importance to take great care of what is consumed and, therefore, not all foods or drinks are allowed for them, therefore, learn about some of the drinks that you should avoid consuming to improve your health.

Drinks to avoid if you have diabetes

1. Soft drinks

Soda or better known as soft drinks are what you should avoid at all costs if you have diabetes. On average, just one can has 40 grams of carbohydrates and 150 calories.

2. Diet soft drinks

Diet drinks, for the most part, could be much more aggressive than normal ones. A 2014 animal study with mice found that the sweeteners found in diet sodas negatively affect the bacteria in your intestines.

3. Energy drinks

With their high caffeine and carb content, energy drinks have been shown to not only raise blood sugar, they could also create insulin resistance. Excess caffeine, as it causes nervousness, increased blood pressure and insomnia.

4. Alcoholic drinks

If you have high blood pressure or nervousness due to diabetes, alcohol may make these conditions worse.

Because it could cause a drop in blood sugar during the following hours after ingestion. Mainly in people who take insulin or other medications that can cause hyperglycemia or low blood sugar.