Home relationship How a man acts when he wants to break up with you

How a man acts when he wants to break up with you

How a man acts when he wants to break up with you

1. He doesn’t tell you he loves you very often and when he does, it feels forced or insincere

This is especially true if he’s never had an issue saying he loves you in the past. It could be that he doesn’t feel the way that he used to and he doesn’t want to lie to you, even though he’s not ready to breakup.

2. He avoids you altogether

This seems to be a guy’s classic approach to most uncomfortable situations. Guys aren’t known for talking about their feelings or expressing their concerns in a relationship because they feel awkward and it can often lead to other uncomfortable conversations they don’t want to have. If it seems like he’s avoiding you, he probably is.

3. He is keeping secrets from you

You will notice it in the way he leaves the room when he wants to take a call when he goes somewhere without telling you and still doesn’t give you a clear reason when he gets back.

You will observe these secretive signs unless you want to be blind to them. However, if he isn’t hiding something from you, he will come clean the moment you call him out on his behavior.

4. He keeps picking fights

Continually choosing to have the same fight over and over again could mean that he’s trying to validate his reason for thinking about breaking up because the two of you have started fighting a lot.

5. He doesn’t care all that much about how you feel anymore

When he changed, he couldn’t be bothered with checking up on you even once a day. That is so different from the time when things were well and good between the two of you, he expressed his love and care in various ways that amazed you.

You do the checking up but he doesn’t return the gesture or, when he does, it’s in an offhand way that makes you feel like you don’t mean much to him. This is one of the clear signs he wants to break up with you.

6. He doesn’t want to talk about topics concerning the future

If he uses words like ‘maybe, probably, and most likely’ to describe what your relationship with him will be like in the future, you should start kissing your happy love life goodbye.

Also, when you ask him about taking the next step in your relationship and he avoids the topic like a plague, he is running from staying committed to you and is probably planning his break-up speech already.