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This sleeping position reveals that your partner loves you so much and wants to protect you

Sleeping together is something we do completely unconsciously; our subconscious minds often dictate our positions as we dream. In a way, our nocturnal body language is the most truthful one that we have. So, analyzing it can lead to fascinating results, especially because it showcases how well-matched your two personalities are.

Here are some of the most common couple sleep positions – and what they reveal about your love and relationships.

1. Hugging Each Other Along With Holding Hands

This means, partners feel the love and are find protective in each other’s hug. This simply means the couples have the basic ‘Trust’ feeling among them which bonds them together. Love plays an important role in this type of relationship rather than sex.

2. Sleeping On Your Partner’s Chest

This is so sweet… It happens in the honeymoon period or a new-kindled relationship. According to a study, only 4% of couples are seen having this type of sleeping position. When you are in deep love or find warmth in your partner’s arms, then it happens!!!

3. Sleeping face-to-face

When you are sleeping together and face each other but don’t touch, this indicates a need for something more in your relationship. It’s a subconscious craving for more intimacy and communication through touch because even while asleep, you’re more or less begging your significant other for attention and closeness.

This isn’t necessarily worrying, as you can take some positive steps to bridge any gap between you to help you feel closer during the day. Sooner or later, that will come through in your night sleeping, too.

4. Both Backs Facing Each Other

Although both the partners love each other, they seem to be unromantic… According to a study, 27% of couples will have similar positions on their beds.

5. The dominant

This is one of the sleeping positions that might actually indicate some trouble. Does your partner try to push you off the bed, steal your covers, or attempt to take up all the space? Then, it’s a subconscious fight for dominance.

This might indicate they feel like they should have more power in your relationship or that you have too much control. It’s something to watch out for. This behavior could lead to more serious problems regarding controlling behavior later


8 Things Your Sleep Position Can Tell You About Your Relationship