Home Health What You Wash First When You Shower Reveals How You Are!

What You Wash First When You Shower Reveals How You Are!

What You Wash First When You Shower Reveals How You Are!

1. Feet

The auxiliary energy channels, or chakra, are abundant in the feet. They are connected to the earth connection within the physical body, an anchor of light spiritually, and the first contact with immediate reality. The foot is a symbol of completeness and humility. People who wash their feet first are likely to be very concerned about the rights of all living things and connected to the earth and its well-being. They are also very likely to be very rooted, grounded, and secure in their own bodies.

2. Extremities

If you find yourself washing your legs or arms first, your personality is probably nomadic. Our extremities are what we rely on for raw movement and fluidity throughout our physical space. You value being carefree, relaxed and indifferent. A good portion of your time is spent being very physically active, but your mind is also highly active, as you constantly dream of mystical and distant places.

3. G.r.o.i.n

Although the immediate assumption is that washing your private area first would indicate a very s..e.x.u.a.l being, the truth is that you are very reserved, shy, and tend to be self-deprecating in the presence of others. He is as sensitive as he is genuine, but it takes a long time for people to get to know him beyond the surface level.

4. Chest

You easily find yourself on the right paths in life because you feel very comfortable in your own skin – confident, self-assured and independent. An alpha personality is what is most often described as by others. The chest has many vital organs, including the lungs and heart. You value life and feel very protective and proud of it.

5. Back

The spine is the base of individual consciousness and energy. Life begins here and is carried through the nervous system to support all your thoughts and movements. It is literally the backbone of support for the entire body. It is human nature to protect and cherish such a vital component to life.

Washing your back first shows a reserved, cautious and prudent personality. You think deeply about the magnitude and meaning of things, and people do not easily gain your trust. You are often introverted and security-oriented first. Solitude is not something that interests you, and you often favour it over socialising.

6. Hands

Your hands are a symbol of fortitude and physical and mental strength. He values solidarity and unity. A “one for all” attitude makes you a friend or enemy of the majority. Fear is not in your vocabulary. Consequences are harmful, you do not hesitate to defend idealistically what you feel is right.

7. Inferior weapons

You are steadfast, loyal and reliable if you wash your armpits straight off the bat. You will stand by your friends in good times and bad, even if it is to your own detriment. Your kind nature does, however, have a limit. When someone betrays you, then you are done with them.

8. Face

The face is the only area capable of using all your senses – smell, sight, touch, taste, and hearing. Washing your face first means that you care deeply about how you feel and how you are perceived by others. In other words, you are always worried about what other people think of you. You get frustrated easily, leading to embarrassment and stress. Hates to be criticised.

9. The top of your head

If you wash your head or hair first, you have a great attention to order. You are strong willed, opinionated, and want everything to be in its proper place, but you are also highly realistic and reasonable. Time management is one of his most admirable qualities. He is always punctual and likes to follow a routine.

10. Neck and shoulders

You symbolically carry the heavy burden of being a competitive overachiever. If others are reaching for the stars, then you reach for the stars and the moon. Refuses to accept anything less than yes, I can, I will, and I have accepted. Hard work is his motto.
