Home Life Some people don’t cherish good people, they try to use them.

Some people don’t cherish good people, they try to use them.

The problem today is people don’t cherish good people, they try to use them.

Life nowadays makes people more and more practical. Instead of cherishing good ones, they tend to take advantage of them.

When a person gets help from a good friend, he knows that if he keeps asking for help, his friend will not refuse to help. He just wants that friend to make benefit for him, but forgets to respect what his friend did for him as well as he does not care if that friend is also busy or not.

A manager who has a good and responsible employee, he continues to assign the work for that employee, even makes a lot of pressure for that one, so that the employee has to work as much as they can. The manager did not respect that staff, but take advantage of him to bring as much as benefits to the company as he can.

They, man above and the manager do not understand the effort that other people have to make should also be recorded and appreciated, and the values of those people who bring benefits needs to be respected. Everything needs the interactions from both sides.

If the man or the manager continues to take advantages of the others, there will be one day that man will lost his friendship and the manager will lost his employee.