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3-year-old promises to make childhood sweetheart his wife – 20 years later he pops the question

Not everyone is lucky enough to meet that special person they want to spend their eternity with.

Well, true love is hard to find, so once we stumble upon it, we should never let it go.

Matt Grodsky and Laura Steel have known each other their entire life. Their families were good friends and they got to spend a lot of time together. What’s more, they attended the same preschool and loved hanging out.

When they were just three years old,

Matt stood in front of his class and said that he would one day marry Laura. Of course, everyone thought that was very sweet coming from someone so young. The truth is, no one ever believed this promise would one day turn into a reality.

“I don’t remember the first time I saw her, but she was always a girl who let me follow her around,” Grodsky recalled, “I’d always try to impress her by reciting lines from movies like ‘The Lion King’ and stuff like that.”

Some of Grodsky’s and Scheel’s earliest memories are about each other – play dates and trips to the movies (obviously with parent chaperones for the two little lovebirds).

Grodsky was infatuated and Scheel felt the same way.

The two did everything together and to anyone who saw them they were the cutest couple.

In the end, it took quite a while.

The young couple attended two different elementary schools and lost touch, only watching each other grow up through the annual Christmas cards the two families would send each other.

Years passed by, and these two were reunited once again during high school.

They instantly fell for one another and started dating. Unfortunately, after finishing high school, they attended different colleges which were some 1,600 miles apart. Laura went to Northern Arizona University, while Matt went to Columbia College Chicago.

They made it work. Scheel went to Northern Arizona University, while Grodsky went to Columbia College Chicago, more than 1,600 miles away. It wasn’t easy, but after some trial and error freshman year, they got a system down, figuring out a schedule for when they would visit each other and watching “Friends” on Netflix together when they were apart.

Long-distance relationships can be hard to maintain, but when it comes to true love, nothing is impossible, and Matt and Laura are the perfect proof of that.

During their senior year, Matt popped the question. He had his friends capture the lovely moment on camera.

Grodsky had bought an engagement ring two months before this day and had already received her dad’s blessing. He had even stationed his brother at the school before their arrival so he could position himself in the perfect location to capture a photo of the moment.

On the way there, Grodsky repeatedly checked his pockets for the ring. When they arrived, he got down on one knee.

“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, is this happening?'” Scheel said. “I saw the ring and was like, “This is gorgeous. I’m so happy with it.'”

The answer – a resounding yes! And Grodsky’s brother brought out a picnic basket (the very same one that Grodsky’s dad used when he proposed to his mom) full of bridal magazines and sparkling cider, then bowed out to give the newly-engaged couple a private picnic to celebrate.

On December 30, 2016, the preschool sweethearts said “I do.”
Source: today.com, boreddaddy.com