Home Quiz People are struggling to find the hidden beetle in this colorful puzzle...

People are struggling to find the hidden beetle in this colorful puzzle — can you spot it?

The latest hidden object puzzle to hit the internet challenges you to find a small insect camouflaged in a colorful scene of leaves, branches, and flowers.

Can you find the hidden beetle in this image? Courtesy of Sykes Holiday Cottages

Cottage rental agency Sykes Holiday Cottages created the image based on the results of a recent survey of 2,000 adults about vacationing and wildlife in the UK. The agency found that respondents ranked Cosnard’s net-winged beetle as one of the most difficult species to spot in the wild.

Keep reading to see if you can find the beetle hidden in the following puzzle. But scroll down slowly because we’ve included the solution below.

Can you spot the Cosnard’s net-winged beetle in this image?

Still stumped? Scroll down slowly to reveal the solution to this puzzle.

There it is. Courtesy of Sykes Holiday Cottages