Home Moral Stories Why It Seems The Older You Get, The More You Hate Everyone

Why It Seems The Older You Get, The More You Hate Everyone

Have you ever found yourself constantly expressing disdain toward others?

Interestingly, as we age, such feelings may actually become more prevalent.

Allow me to share a personal narrativeā€¦

My friendship circle has drastically shrunk over time. Now, my family, especially my siblings and a couple of cousins, have become my closest allies. Should you relate to such an evolution in relationships, you might ponder why, as we age, tolerance for others seems to diminish. This is my story.

In my earlier years, friends were plentiful. I shared secrets and significant moments with those I considered my best friends, believing they understood me to my core and that our bonds were unbreakable. I envisioned a future where our lives continued to intertwine through milestones like weddings and parenting.

However, as life progressedā€”through graduations and stepping into the professional worldā€” I evolved and, consequently, so did my friendships. The ones I once deemed indispensable gradually faded away.

Itā€™s essential to note that I donā€™t solely attribute the dissipation of friendships to others. My own actions and decisions undeniably played a pivotal role in their decline. Initially, the transition was painful, exacerbated by a sense that my investments into the relationships were far greater than what I received in return.

Once I retracted my all-encompassing commitment to these relationships, they began to deteriorate, and eventually, we all drifted away.

Hereā€™s a fundamental truth: People may enter and exit your life with varying transience. My realization has been that, with age, forming friendships becomes more challenging, largely because we develop a lesser tolerance for drama and superfluous matters. Most importantly, itā€™s perfectly acceptable because navigating through life is a personal journey.

As you age, you might find your tolerance for unnecessary baggage wanes. In youth, the desire to befriend everyone might be overwhelming. However, as maturity sets in, the appetite for engaging in unworthy endeavors and relationships diminishes.

For me, disloyalty and a lack of effort in sustaining a friendship have no place in my life. If it means a solitary journey, devoid of hollow friendships, then I find solace in solitude, rather than enduring insincere companionships.

With age, the urgency to forge new friendships may diminish. At this juncture in my life, forming new friendships is no longer a priority. Although I maintain a friendly demeanor, engaging in casual conversations and socializing, I refrain from exposing my vulnerabilities to them.

The notion of acquiring a new best friend is now obsolete for me. My family fills that space amicably, and that suffices. As age accumulates, forging new friendships often slides down the priority list.

Growing older may also correlate with a diminished trust in others.

Childhood often bestows us with an intrinsic trust in others, assuming they harbor good intentions. However, as we mature, experiences teach us that people can, indeed, be disappointing and inflict pain.

Witnessing close friends retreat was eye-opening, yet it also made it easier for me to reciprocate. I became resilient because necessity demanded it.

Age often allows us to prioritize ourselves above others with grace. An enlightening shift occurs as we transition from early to mature adulthood: we commence a journey of self-pleasure and self-improvement over seeking approval or support from friendships. Instead of seeking that ever-loyal friend, you start investing in yourself.

While friends may traverse through your life, you, at the core, remain a constant.

In the ebb and flow of life and relationships, embracing your own company and fostering a few, select relationships might just be one of the many insights age graciously bestows upon us.