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If You Notice A Blue Line On The Street, Here Is The Meaning Behind It

Road markings are key factors when you are driving. 

If you don’t pay attention to these marking, this will surely get you into an accident or cause death, so it’s important to pay attention to them. Residents of some communities may notice a new roadway marking appearing in the near future – a thin blue line in the middle of the two center lines on a road.

Maybe you don’t believe this thin blue line is being painted on roadways across the state of Maryland to honor the heroic police officers in their communities. While it’s a simple thing to do, it’s so important to ensure that these brave men and women feel appreciated by the communities that they promise to protect and serve. It’s also a safety measure as the line leads directly to the police station. If you’re in trouble, you know you can follow the line to get help.

The police have had some issues recently with community relations, but these townships in New Jersey want to ensure that their officers, “feel the love,” so to speak.

Ocean City, Maryland recently added these lines too and mayor Rick Sheehan could have been happy. Ocean City Beach recently made it onto the Tripadvisor top 10 beaches to visit in America and low crime rates have a lot to do with that stellar review.

Sheehan knows that the beautiful beach community over which he presides relies on these officers of the law to keep the peace between the retired beach-going community and the rowdy young kids who come to party it up all night long. These officers shut down the loud parties, arrest thieves preying on local tourists and make sure that everybody has a good time on their relaxing beach vacation.

The line is painting in between the existing yellow road divider lines on Ocean City’s 65th street, leading straight to the Ocean City Police Department headquarters. Every tourist who visits will surely want to know what this blue line represents, and they’ll understand just how important the police are to this town once they find out.

When some people hear the term “thin blue line,” only one thing comes to mind – the Errol Morris documentary with the same name.

The Thin Blue Line is an documentary film that depicts the story of Randall Dale Adams, who was convicted and sentenced to death for a murder that it turns out, he didn’t commit.

The documentary came out in 1988, after Adams had been in jail for 11 years. He was released from prison just 12 months later, mostly due to the fact that Morris was able to get the real killer to admit that his prior statement given in court was actually false.

If you are interested in this story, the documentary is highly regarded as one of the finest ever made and will undoubtedly make you reconsider how we determine guilt and innocence in the America justice system. The title comes from a comment made by prosecutor Doug Mulder during his closing argument, saying that the police are the “thin blue line” that separates normal society for total anarchy.

What does your community do to honor their heroic police officers? Share in the comments!