Home News 25-Year-Old Bulgarian Woman Has More Than 27 Procedures To Have The Biggest...

25-Year-Old Bulgarian Woman Has More Than 27 Procedures To Have The Biggest Lips In The World

This planet is so wonderful because of everyone’s unique beauty.

The medical field has developed to such a high level that it can give a person a completely new look with just a few operations, but a significant portion of the population is unhappy with the way they look. Even though there is no such thing as “perfection,” it still offers us that pill.

While some people are content with a subtle touch of aesthetics, others go far out of their way to create the ideal version of themselves.

Just like a 25-year old woman from Sofia, Bulgaria named, Andrea Ivanova who is so obsessed of being world’s biggest lips ever.

Because of Hyaluronic acid and lip injection, her lips became huge. Having the biggest lips in the world is her ultimate goal in life and according to her, she is almost there.

She went 27 sessions and her lips were four times bigger than a normal lip.

“I like them a lot and feel much better,” Andrea

Over $5,000 has been spent by her. She spent nearly $5,000 on the attractive lips, with each injection in Bulgaria costing about $150. The young woman still wants more since she doesn’t feel satisfied.

Andrea wants to increase the size of her lips despite medical advice to the contrary.

According to her, she believes that she now has the “biggest lips on the planet” where in fact, her name cannot be found in the word record book.

She stated that, “In social media, she receives different offers such as money, travels and meetings from different men all over the world.”

No one has wider lips than Andrea, according to some of her supporters. Andrea talked about how much she loved her new appearance and expressed her happiness with her new lips. On Instagram, she stated: “I want in addition to the biggest lips in the world, to have some of the biggest cheekbones too.”

“I’ve had four hyaluronic acid injections in my cheekbones so far, but I will undergo two more within the week. For the healing process, I need to avoid strong pressure on the face for up to three days afterwards. My aim is to model and gain significant enlargement of them, but of course, I still want bigger lips, too. I will continue with more injections in [both] to make them even bigger,” continued the surgery fanatic.

Because of her obsession with cosmetic surgery, Andrea had 34 injections already just to improve her looks, especially her lips. 

She really thinks that her lips are so beautiful but she’s still not satisfied. She wants more because she thinks there’s still much room for improvement even though she has difficulty in eating after surgery.

“Some doctors think I’ve had enough, but my doctor told me that he will do more injections for me as long as I wait for a couple months.” Says the young lady in her social media post.

Ivanova is aware that in order to enter the record books, she must make certain compromises.

Pays no attention to lips haters

Her lips are a good bait for many of the trolls that populate the internet. People make some unpleasant comments on her posts despite the fact that she believes everyone has the right to appear however they choose.

“I think everyone should look however they want.”

Is she doing the right thing? What do you think? Tell us about your thoughts and opinions, and please don’t forget to SHARE this article.