A man who spent decades isolated from the world reveals the inside of the astonishing caves he created.
For over 25 years away from the outside world, with only his dog for company, Ra Paulette has been carving New Mexico’s sandstone into magnificent art with breathtaking detail.
The artist spent all of his time on each piece. The one featured in the video below took 900 hours. At a normal workweek of 40 hours, that is almost five-and-a-half months!
Paulette doesn’t consider himself an artist, just a man expressing his sense of wonder in a passionate way. He hopes, when people look at and experience his work, that they find ‘at least a moment or a length of time in which they had a deeper feeling and deeper understanding of themselves and life’.
His work went totally unnoticed until a documentary filmmaker heard of his project in the high desert. After three years of filming, “Cave Digger” put Paulette on the national radar, filling people everywhere with awe and wonder… which is exactly what Paulette wanted.
The video below shows the hypnotizing process of Paulette’s work and his heart behind it.
Share his incredible talent to inspire awe in others!