Home relationship If you want to know whether SHE is falling out of love...

If you want to know whether SHE is falling out of love with you, pay attention to these 10 signs

Relationships require a lot of love, hard work, effort, and commitment but even after all the love, effort and commitment, people can just outgrow each other and fall out of love.

It can be really painful to see someone you love, falling out of love with you but the best you can do is to accept the situation gracefully and move on.

If you want to know whether SHE is falling out of love with you, pay attention to these 10 signs

1.She doesn’t seem like she cares anymore

You feel that no matter what you do to gain her affection, she simply doesn’t have interest in you anymore. She may still be vibrant and full of life, but these things are not happening around you.

2.She no longer compliments you on your looks

Physical attraction is the force that brings two people together. At the beginning of a relationship she might tell you how good you look, but over time these compliments fade away and even completely stop. She might not feel physically attracted to you anymore.

3.She stops putting in effort to make your relationship work

When a woman is in love and she cares about you, she would go to any lengths to make the relationship work. But if this isn’t the case, she would not put any efforts to show her care or to make the relationship better.

4. She cuts off communication

Communication is the foundation of any relationship. When your woman has shut out all communication with you, it is one of the obvious signs that she does not love you anymore.

The moments where you poured your heart out to each other and shared a good laugh for hours would die off. She would also not let you in on what’s going on in her life and you might just end up feeling like a complete stranger in her life.

5.She acts on her own accord regardless of how you fee

Your feelings and thoughts don’t matter to her, and she will do what she wants no matter how that makes you feel, even if it means she will hurt you. If she doesn’t care about hurting you anymore, she might have stopped loving you first.

6.She doesn’t express gratitude for your gestures

She used to be surprised and extremely happy whenever you showed her little signs of affections, whether you bought flowers or brought her the favorite meal. However, if she is indifferent to these gestures, she has lost interest in you.

7.You are always the initiator of conversations

When a woman is in love, she would want to talk about everything under the sun with her partner. But if she has stopped loving you, she would totally lose the zeal to initiate any conversation with you. You would find that you are the only one who would initiate the conversation all the time and she might not even respond to your efforts to communicate.

8.She doesn’t make an effort to make you feel special

If she stopped doing sweet and romantic things, she does not care about making you feel special anymore. It’s not that she is evil and that is why she wants to make you feel miserable. In fact, she does not feel happy anymore and she is not willing to make you feel happy either.

9.She stops asking for and giving you attention

She used to ask for a lot of your attention in the past, and she considered you the most important person in her life. However, she stopped acknowledging your existence and she does not ask for your attention because she doesn’t need it anymore.

10.Physical intimacy is a rarity

Physical intimacy including kisses, hugs and s=xual int3rcourse are something you no longer remember. When you lack physical intimacy, your relationship is certainly not on a good path.