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5 ways a married man will act when he’s attracted to another woman.

Dear ladies, here are 5 ways a married man will act when he’s attracted to you.

1. He looks for excuses to be closer to you

Whether it’s rushing to sit next to you, or just leaning in while you’re talking, a married man is going to look for any and all excuses to get closer to you if he’s attracted to you.

He thinks you’re gorgeous, and he’s addicted to your presence. He can’t help but want to be as near as he can.

Can you tell that he doesn’t like it when there are people between you and him? He may be just fine talking to other people from a distance, but when talks to you, he wants to be close.

These are the kinds of clues to keep an eye out for. If you notice that he’s always looking for ways to get closer to you, it’s a sign that he’s really attracted to you.

2. The teasing and flirting

Whatever manner of flirting is most comfortable for him, he’ll be doing it.

He’s going to flirt with you if he’s attracted to you. And, just like most guys who are interested in a girl, he’s likely to tease you a little bit too.

He’ll be playful and maybe a little inappropriate with his words, pushing that line in an effort to make you blush, feel pretty, and intrigued with him.

He’s trying to get your attention, and he’s going to act accordingly.

3. His body language

He’ll lean in when you speak. His feet will always be pointed towards you. He might not be able to help smiling any time you’re talking. He’s going to make a lot of eye contact. Or, he’ll always look away, abashed. He might put his hand on your arm, or touch your knee.

These kinds of body movements will give away his true feelings.

Once you learn to tune into his body language, you’ll be able to gather enough information to figure out if he’s attracted to you or not.

And here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter whether he’s married or not, his body language will be the same. Desire will always be displayed in the body.

4. He’s interested in your love life

One of the most obvious signs a married man is attracted to a woman other than his wife is that he wants to know the ins and outs of her love life.

If he seems preoccupied with who you’re dating, what you’re looking for in a guy, and what your romantic desires are, there’s a high chance it’s because he’s interested in you in that way. Sure, friends talk about dating, but if this is more than a fleeting topic, something is up here.

5. He doesn’t talk about his wife with you

That’s a big sign that he’s attracted to you. If you can tell that he’s avoiding the subject of his marriage when he’s around you, it could point to the fact that he’s attracted to you.

Beware, though, an affair is a tricky thing to get into, and there’s no telling how it will end up.

In all likelihood, it won’t end well.

However, there could be a really complicated story behind the whole thing, and he hesitates bringing it up because he doesn’t want to ruin his chances with you, or make you turned off to him in some way.

There’s really a lot going on when a man doesn’t bring up his wife to you at all, but still clearly has an interest in you.