Home Life 98 Pеrcеnt Hаvе Nо Idеа Whаt This Is…

98 Pеrcеnt Hаvе Nо Idеа Whаt This Is…

Have you ever discovered something in an attic box that you were unsure of its contents? Our grandparents may have been quite familiar with these things, but time has erased our memory of their abilities.

This includes the image of what we have up top for you. Although your great-grandparents and grandparents may have used this often, very few people use it in this way now. In fact, the Internet had a very difficult time figuring out what it was.

It’s a hand mixer, in case you didn’t guess. When compared to mixing food with a spoon, it truly saved a lot of time when utilized in the kitchen. Of course, it wasn’t electric but the rotating parts still stirred things very quickly.

In Baltimore, Maryland, a mixer with revolving pieces received a patent in 1865. A whisk came not all that long after in 1857 and another eggbeater was patented in 1859.

These continued to be a very popular part of kitchen appliances and even though we have items that work automatically today, these still worked great to save time in the kitchen, which was why they were so popular.

Things like these are always intriguing to see because they were so popular a long time ago. Who knows, perhaps 100 years from now, people may be wondering what it was we used in the kitchen.