Home Health 9 things you do every day that are lowering your sperm count

9 things you do every day that are lowering your sperm count

9 things you do every day that are lowering your sperm count

Over 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or both. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, stress, and poor diet are some of the main causes of low sperm count. Here are 9 things you are probably doing on a regular basis that may be lowering your sperm count. We are all guilty of making these mistakes without even knowing what harm they are causing us.

1. Working with your laptop on your lap

One of the most common habits, almost everyone who uses a laptop keeps it on their lap. The heat from a laptop can raise the temperature of the testicles and reduce sperm production. Place the laptop on a desk. If you must place it on your lap, keep your knees together or use a lap pillow for added protection, and keep computer sessions short.

2. Drinking and smoking

Drinking up to 5 units of liquor could affect the quality of a man’s sperm. Not only could it reduce sperm count and concentration, but also the percentage of normal sperm.
Smoking cigarettes can damage DNA, causing mutations in sperm. Reducing alcohol and tobacco is good for overall health as well as sperm production.

3. Stress

This is no surprise. Out of a hundred harmful effects on the body, lowering sperm count is one thing that stress is capable of causing. A high level of stress hormones in the blood can lower sperm count, affect sperm production, and also affect sperm quality.

4. Hot shower

A hot shower is relaxing for the body, but it reduces sperm count as the temperature of the testicles is raised. This impairs sperm quality and reduces the count.

5. Cell phones (radiation/heat)

The radiation that comes from cell phones has a big impact on men’s sperm count. Studies show that heat or electromagnetic radiation emanating from cell phones can reduce sperm motility by 8.1% and viability by 9.1%. Avoid keeping your phone in your pocket for long periods.

6. Tight underwear

Tight underpants Wearing tight underpants can increase heat in the testicles. This, in turn, reduces sperm count. Prefer boxers to tight briefs.

7. Including too much soy in your diet

An excellent source of protein for vegetarians, soy is known to mimic estrogen in the body. It is believed to increase the production of the female hormone in the body, thus reducing the male hormone.
Even half a serving of soy a day was enough to impair a man’s sperm production. Better to cut down on that soy milk and tofu.

8. Sunscreen

The chemicals present in sunscreen lotion can harm a man’s sperm count, so one should be alert while using sunscreen lotion. The chemicals present in sunscreen can reduce sperm count by 33%: octinoxate alters hormone levels, and oxybenzone slows down sperm production. Limit time spent in the sun and wash off sunscreen immediately after going indoors.

9. Lack of exercise and being overweight

A higher bmi increases the risk of developing many diseases in the body, including infertility. Obesity also increases the level of estrogen in the body, which directly affects sperm production. The extra layers of fat also increase the body temperature, especially the groin area, which heats up the testicles again.
