Home relationship 9 Things A Man Shows When He Has Deep Feelings For You

9 Things A Man Shows When He Has Deep Feelings For You

9 Things A Man Shows When He Has Deep Feelings For You

1. He asks your advice

When he asks for your advice when he’s having personal/emotional problems, he likes you for more than just your body.

He wants to share his thoughts and feelings with you.

You see, when a man asks you for advice it shows two things:

Number one, he is willing to be vulnerable with you and show you his problems.

And number two, he is willing to take your advice into consideration because he respects your opinion.

When a man does this, it means he respects you enough to not just brush your opinion off.

He wants to know what you have to say. And that’s a good sign that he likes you for more than just your body.

Think about it: a man who only cares about your body won’t come to you for advice.

2. He’s there when things are difficult

When you need someone to listen to your problems and give you advice, he will be there for you. When you’re running in circles and can’t figure out what’s on your mind, and when you feel like all of this is too heavy for you to handle, he will be there – by your side ready to support and comfort you.

He will hold your hand and let you cry over whatever happened. He wants to make the pain that’s inside of you go away because it hurts him as well.

Just because there are things that are difficult or hard doesn’t mean that he can’t be there for you when you need him most.

His feelings are real for you that he will go to the ends of the world just to make you feel better and happy.

He truly cares for you. And nothing feels better than knowing that you can count on him when things get tough.

3. It’s all in his touch, kiss, the way he looks at you…

He stares at the freckles on your nose because he finds them adorable. He puts your hair behind your ear, so he can have a better look at your smiley face.

He pulls you close when he feels endearment towards you because of something you’ve said. He will hug you and kiss you often, and it will be intense.

He can’t keep his eyes off of you, no matter who is around. He looks at you like you are the most beautiful woman alive.

4. He shares a lot with you

He asks you about your day, and he always tells you how his went. He wants to know about your life because you are a big part of it.

He tells you about his day, his troubles, his past, his dreams and his thoughts because you mean a lot to him, and you are already in his heart.

5. He’s giving you his time

Without you even having to ask for it. He always finds time to spend with you no matter how busy he is.

He is letting you know that you matter. You can clearly see that he can’t wait to be with you.

It doesn’t really matter what you are doing or for how long, as long as you are together it’s fun and happiness all the way.

6. He makes you feel safe

Men like to make a woman feel safe and protected when they’re in love with her. They don’t necessarily need to knock somebody’s teeth out to make you believe that. He will just be there by your side in difficult times.

7. He respects your opinion

He respects your decision even when you guys have different opinions. He takes into account everything you say, even when he doesn’t agree with you.

8. He keeps his promises

He is a man of his word. A man who respects and loves you will always keep his promises. Yes, he might forget some little details but not the big ones that matter in the relationship.

9. He supports your dreams

The first indication of true love is that your partner supports you to follow the path you’ve chosen, rather than trying to create one for you. Otherwise, it can be hard choosing between the person you love and the thing you’re meant to do.