Home Spirituality 8 Ways to confirm your Angels have contacted you

8 Ways to confirm your Angels have contacted you

8 Ways to confirm your Angels have contacted you

Knowing the spirits want to connect on a deeper level with you is a positive sign and will most likely lead you to fulfilling discoveries. Here are our 8 confirmation indicators.

1. Hearing Your Name

Have you ever been walking somewhere, in public perhaps, and hear your name very blatantly called out?

When there’s an impending emergency or an excess of personal stress, the only way that the angels can ensure you’ll hear them is through direct verbal communication. And if the angels talk, there’s no doubt as to their message and meaning, and you should definitely listen. Hearing your name called by a disembodied voice is actually a common experience.

2. Repeating number sequences

If you see certain numbers or number sequences repeated over and over to you again, it may be a sign of Angels trying to get your attention. They require your attention to communicate their future plans for you. Their dream is to guide you forward and make you the best version of yourself.

3. Seeing white feathers

A white feather may be a message of encouragement and reassurance. White feathers also represent purity, the light, and that you’re loved, guided and protected… It may be an angel’s way of reminding you not to give up. It may also just be a reminder that you are not alone and that your Angels are here by your side.

4. Sweet odors

If you begin to notice sweet scents out of nowhere, know that you are accompanied by your Guardian Angel. If you remark lovely odors but can’t identify the origin, this is a strong sign. Delicious food, gorgeous flowers or even sweet perfume are techniques your spirit guides us to grab your attention.

5. You dream of being visited

Dreaming of your Angel visiting you to communicate a message isn’t completely out of sorts. The higher powers want you to feel safe and supported meaning they will oftencome to you at your most vulnerable moments.

6. Noticing colorful orbs

Have you recently taken a photo and observed a bright light or colorful orb that wasn’t visible to the naked eye? Orbs are said to transport Guardian Angels to their destinations and help deliver a message of company

7. Seeing Angels in clouds

Laying back and making shapes out of clouds may seem insignificant, however if you spot clouds in the form of Angels, know that these heavenly bodies are reaching out to you.

8. Rainbows

Rainbows carry the spiritual significance of rainbows which are symbols of hope, inspiration, promise and more. When you see a rainbow or rainbow clouds… Enjoy the moment! Relish the opportunity to experience the magic of the present moment, and tune into your connection with your guides, angels and with the Divine.