Home Funny 8 times you need to show your jealousy in your relationship

8 times you need to show your jealousy in your relationship

When jealousy in a romantic relationship hits, it wells up inside of us, a unique mix of sadness, competition, and anger. Although these seem like negative feelings, jealousy in a relationship is not necessarily a bad thing. Here’s when you need to show your jealousy in your relationship

1. If your partner’s ex keeps in touch with your partner as a ‘friend’ but demands excessive attention while ignoring and disregarding you and your presence as his partner in his life.

2. If your partner ignores you while socialising as a couple but gives excessive attention to others.

3. If your partner spends excessive time socializing alone with people without you and insists on such individual fun more often than not.

4. If well-meaning advice from you and constructive feedback is ignored, while at the same time, the same advice from certain others is keenly and attentively listened to.

5. If your partner is quick to appreciate others in elaborate ways but is either criticising you or rarely acknowledges you.

6. If birthdays and special occasions of certain others are remembered and celebrated with gusto, while special occasions with you are ignored or grudgingly celebrated.

7. If certain others are highlighted and praised excessively to you, while there is nothing praiseworthy mentioned about you to you. You are, in fact, compared with them as not being or doing ‘enough’.

8. If through words and actions your partner demonstrates on an ongoing basis that certain others are dearer to him than you in every way – and if he had to choose he would always choose them over you.