Home Life 8 things men only do when they actually have lost interest in...

8 things men only do when they actually have lost interest in you

8 things men only do when they actually have lost interest in you

1. His time and efforts are inconsistent

He plays a dual role with you. Sometimes you feel like he is the best you can be with while at times it is just the opposite. On some days he tells you all about his plans for the day while on others he is off the grid.

2. He is the same with other girls as well

You might notice that the way he behaves with his other girl friends in almost the same as you. He has the right to talk to other women but he should not treat his girlfriend and other girls in the same manner.

3. You do not exist for him on social media

In the 21st century, we all want to post pictures with our loved ones and let out friends know that we are happy. Being inactive on social media is one thing, but not recognizing you even after being socially active means that your man has found someone else.

4. He hides things from you

If you see that your man is hiding things from you and lies to you constantly, it implies that he doesn’t trust you anymore. If the man still continues to be with you then the relationship will just be a drag.

5. Intimacy has become scarce

If he has put intimacy on hold, whether physical or emotional, you need to reach out to him and find out what is going on. While there are things that you can do to bring that elusive spark back to the relationship, you need to decide whether it is worth the effort.

6. He is rude and disrespectful

From a warm and loving creature, he has turned into a nitpicky, rude, and offensive creature.

His every joke is directed to you. You feel like he is preying on your insecurities and makes them stick out.

He ignores your existence. You can’t say anything right as he gets offended at every little thing.

These are all some of the shitty things men do when they want to break up with you. They treat you poorly so you will give up on them.

7. He no longer notices the little things about you

He used to always notice when you would change the way you wore your hair, the new dress you bought, or a new spice you used for cooking.

He used to notice when you were cold, offering you his jacket. And now you feel like you could freeze to death next to him and he wouldn’t even notice.

You feel like you’re a living ghost inside of your own home, inside of your own relationship. You’re there, but he simply doesn’t see you. His lack of interest is making you sad.

8. He’s picking fights

This is something guys often do when they’re losing interest in a girl they’re dating or if they’re gearing up for a break-up.

The idea is to drive you crazy and drain you with all of the fights you have, so that you will just give up.

And those fights are over the smallest things, like who’s going to take out the garbage, whose turn it is to pay the bills, what kind of dress you wore to that business thing you had.

It’s not those things that truly bother him, it’s the relationship itself.