8 Signs You’re Acting Like His Mother, Not His Woman
Women’s “nurturing” instinct is supposed to be a good thing. However, ladies, there are times when you might go overboard in caring for your man to the point that you start acting like his mother instead of his girlfriend.
Here are surefire signs you’re crossing the line and need to back off.
1. You nag him constantly about everything.
Nagging him incessantly will only make him feel more like he’s back living with his mom and won’t get him to do what you want him to do. If he’s genuinely slacking and not pulling his weight, have a mature conversation about it, but stop nagging him about the little things.
2. He has a curfew when he’s out with his friends.
It’s important to spend quality time with him, but he also needs some time away from you to do his own thing (as do you). Expecting him to be home by 10 p.m. will remind him of having to get back in time for dinner as a kid, and that’s just not right.
3. You’re always the one calling the shots.
You control everything about him, from the way he dresses to what he should eat and how he should spend his money. Relationships are meant to be 50/50, and they need to be, especially if they’re going to last.
4. He has no opinions on anything anymore.
If your partner automatically says yes to everything that you suggest and doesn’t even challenge any of your commands anymore, he’s resigned. He’s lost his voice in the relationship and sooner than later, he may go MIA on you
5. He relies on you for everything.
He doesn’t try to contribute to the relationship in any meaningful way but rather waits for your command before he moves. He also expects you to instruct him even with the littlest things like doing household chores (if you live under one roof), grocery shopping, and laundry. Simply put, he’s reverted to boyhood because “Mama knows best.”
6. He seems to be working later and later…
If your man has started going home late due to “work commitments,” chances are he’s sneaking some time with his buddies and doesn’t want to tell you. He knows it’s his only chance to do the things that he enjoys while avoiding confrontation with you.
7. He has too many requests for you.
As they get used to your over-devotion, your partner may start abusing your wish to do things on your own. They keep coming to you with small requests that literally devour your time and effort. You’re sleeping and they need that shirt to be ironed immediately, so instead of doing it themselves, they will come and wake you up, asking for help.
One way or another, you need to learn to say “no,” giving them more freedom and handing over more responsibility to your partner. Instead of being ready to give advice on any subject, you may just say, “I don’t know,” and there’s nothing wrong with that.
8. You take responsibility for their actions.
They didn’t pay a bill on time, so you take on the responsibility and settle things yourself. Or you may fix too many problems that are a result of your partner’s negligence or absent-mindedness. This all makes you stressed out, and you may often spend time dealing with the consequences of your partner’s poor organization and time management.